Some people have skeletons in their closet...I just have an abundance of knick knacks and random craft supplies. I do not want to even think about all of the $100 start up investments I have spent on all my "little ventures." Knittting, candles, photography, burp cloths, homemade dip mixes, antiques, clothing consignment, jewelry, custom designed fabric, and the list goes on and on. This is just the short list of business ideas that I have either researched, tried or both on my quest to be a WAHM (work at home mom). I think the most ironic thing about it all is that after living on the Internet and researching and planning different businesses I was not qualified to do, I ended up becoming a WAHM by stumbling into something I have a bachelors and masters degree in! Communications.
So, if you have a dream to become a WAHM or just have the entrepreneurial spirit, I encourage you to make 2011 your year to make it happen. Or at least take the first step and don't be afraid to change your business idea or tweak it if needed. With each business idea I learned something new.
And pottery...did I mention pottery.
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